May 16, 2015

Feeling especially THANKFUL this morning!

Often when we are home in the US people will comment on all the sacrifices we make to be in PNG. We feel humbled by these comments in that for the most part we don't feel like we are making a huge sacrifice.  After having been here in PNG for nearly 14 years where we are, what we do and what we have available to us is just our "way of life". We don't sit around thinking about all we are missing in the US. We are simply doing what we believe God has for us.  It is more a matter of obedience than sacrifice.
All that said, there is one sacrifice that is at times extremely difficult.  It has nothing to do with things like missing our favorite restaurants, being able to buy cheese for something far less than the $13 per
500 gr block, and the freedom to drive after dark beyond the borders of our station for safety reasons. It is far more significant than those.  It's being here in PNG while our daughter is in the US.  Jessica just finished her sophomore year at MVNU.  She's been working on the details of getting her things packed and having them stored somewhere and finding some place to stay an extra couple of nights in order to stick around Mt. Vernon for graduation and then find transportation to her grandparents.  If we were home in the US we, as her parents, would have been there for her.
BUT today I am reminded of and am feeling especially THANKFUL that we have Skype and Facetime and email!  My kids and Jeff got me an iPod for Christmas in order that I could more easily communicate with Jessica! I am THANKFUL for it!!  And it was great...for the 3 months or so I had it before it died! :(   I am THANKFUL that one of our missionary colleagues was heading back to the US and was willing to carry it back with her.   I am THANKFUL that my brother was willing to take the iPod to the nearest Apple store where they replaced it.  I am THANKFUL that we have friends who were traveling this way and agreed to bring the iPod to me!  I have been able to imessage with Jessica several times over the past few days!  I am THANKFUL for Skype. Just spoke with my mom for a few moments.  I am THANKFUL for family and friends (Tami, for one, has been wonderful!) in the US who have been available to our Jessica also. 
SO, when you think of us, don't feel sorry for us for all the "little" things we don't have access to.  Those things are nice and fun but truly are trivial in light of obedience to the Father.  But DO please pray for us as we are far from our daughter and other family members.  We, naturally, want to be there for her in a more tangible way at times. Pray for Jessica as she continues to navigate real life as a young adult, with her parents being so far away.  She is doing an awesome job!!  God has been so amazingly faithful!  I sure am glad and THANKFUL that there is nothing He can't handle and nothing we can't handle as long as we put all of ourselves in His loving hands!

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