We are real excited with the progress this week with the materials arriving, meetings with the contractor and support staff. Progress at this point, we finished pouring the last of the slabs on the floors yesterday! Yea, all of the flat work is complete. At this time we are excited that most all of the walls on the buildings are complete 6 course's high. The one exception is the Maternity ward this was the last slab and so Monday we will finish the block to the 6 courses. Three buildings are 80% complete on the core fill. We will be completing these buildings with core fill Monday or Tuesday. We will also be core filling one of the wards which we have built scaffolding getting ready for the next 6 courses of block.
The exciting news is Monday we will be starting a 10 minute devotion on site! Praise the Lord. Baru Dyire the NHM Secretary and I had been talking earlier in the week about that we need to start a bible study or devotion on site earlier in the week. On Thursday I was headed home for lunch and so I thought I would just stop by the project to see what was going on. It was an easy day in the job because of materials coming and not being on site yet. As I was let in the locked entrance gate I saw some men sitting around talking as usual over on the lumber. Some men were working scattered through the project. Then one of the men came up to me and asked that I would sit down and learn some Tok Pisen with them. You see they know I am learning and they like to help. Or at least that is what I think; maybe they like to laugh at me. Well I have not had much conversation with this man and so my first thought was no I think I am hungry. But at that time a second man arrived asking for me to come. Well maybe for a minute I said.
We then were sitting on the lumber and they began to ask of the American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. I told them a little of what I know, then they asked about the twin towers that were destroyed in New York. "Were they being built again?" From what I knew they were not going to build the same buildings but some new ones would be built. Then they got onto the terrorists' that blow people up and asked what I knew. Well about all I said was that they need God.
From there we started talking about the men on site and what was there relationship with God? Why is it that we sometimes have to deal with sin and why we do not show God in all our lives at all times? Well talking in and out of Tok Pisen I ask them if we show Christ in our lives every
Well I could keep going but I will stop there. At the end of the conversation I noticed 2 hours had passed and that the 25 to 30 that were there became 50 to 60. Realizing that I did not see them come and where from, but they were there when I looked around. This was all God this day I did not plan or want to when asked too. But I thank God for the opportunity to talk to the men and witness to them. I then asked if they would like a short devotional before work in the mornings. The response was overwhelming and with a good voice of "Yes" they then asked why does the Hospital do it and we do not? Well I had no good answer. Well we will start Monday I told them and they were real happy to hear me say that. So pray for God's word to be heard and souls be saved.
Thanks again for your support and prayers,
written by Mike Chapman / Photos by Mike Chapman
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