Well, as you can tell from the pictures, the new hospital building project is under way! This project is expected to take a couple of years to complete and will give us 4 new wards, a new operating room, out patient department and emergency room. The construction the new Nazarene Hospital, supported (K5.9million or roughly $2million) by the Government of Australia through the PNG Incentive Fund, began this year. There have been plenty of challenges, and yet we have witnessed the faithfulness of God
in all things. Progress has not always been at the pace we would have chosen, but progress, nevertheless, is being made. We look forward to the arrival of Mike and Diane Chapman in December. Mike will assume the role of Project Manager. The sewage system for the new hospital will cost around K3million, of which K2.5 million is beyond the initial approved APNGIF funding. We are aggressively seeking the remaining funds and have good hope that they will be forthcoming. Some of the work will be done by Work & Witness teams as well!! Perhaps you would consider organizing a team to come and help. Please pray for the Lord's hand on this project as the work continues.
Written by Dr. Bill McCoy & Jeff Myers
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