There we played several games. Our first game was a Cross Country kind of race. You had to run up a hill along a ridge then down the other side which was kind of steep. Then you went
along a road up to a field, ran across it then on to the finish line. Ethan finished fourth out of about 25 school kids. We rested for for about 10 minutes while we had some refreshments. After that we played a game that is one of the Nationals favorite game, it is the Tin Can game. The object of the game is that you start with a pyramid of cans and you have 2 teams. One team defends the cans while the other is trying to knock them down with a tennis ball. After the cans have been knocked down the teams switch places and the team that knocked the cans down now has to build them back into a pyramid before the other team gets them out by hitting them with the ball. (if you would like more details on this game feel free to email us and we will send you more details, thanks)
We played several other games then it was time for lunch. Sam had not arrived yet by lunch time, so Aunt Kathy, with an escort drove out to where Sam was sitting with the Land Cruiser to retrieve sack
lunches. Ethan and I sat on the porch with some of the students to eat our lunch, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. After lunch some of us were trying to play Double Dutch a jump rope game. Like the movie from Disney "Jump In'.
By this time Sam had made it to CLTC school with the vehicle and shortly there after we loaded up to return to Kudjip.
Told by Jessica with typing & editing help from Daddy.
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